彼 端 2011台灣拉美影展




拉美近代歷史中的政治動亂帶給人民的影響極其深遠,不僅上一輩身受其害的電影人念茲在茲,自幼成長於內戰烽火而今茁壯的青年編導們亦閃避不掉此一無比糾纏的童年經驗,於是我們看到許多夾雜著歷史創痛的深刻反省作品(註1),考驗著拉美人民如何從生命重創中走出,進而浴火重生。而傳說中那只裝著珍貴西班牙內戰攝影史料的 「墨西哥皮箱」在失蹤了超過半世紀以上終於再度浮現並被公諸於世,《墨西哥皮箱》一片交代了其間曲折過程,並討論了墨西哥當時所扮演的重要接濟角色,顯示其不自外於國際正義的恢宏政治視野與人道精神。



此外,拉美大陸縱跨熱帶、亞熱帶、溫帶、寒帶,廣納高原,草原、沙漠、海洋、湖泊、 雨林、火山、凍原等豐富多樣的地貌風景(註12),在電影中隨著劇情流轉自然呈現,令人驚艷神往,也拉近了我們對拉美地區視覺上的想像。


策 展 人
策展人:黃翠華 & 平臨泰 古 今 東 西 文 化
(註1) 拉美歷史創痛問題相關影片: 《星空塵土》、《島上10號》、
(註2) 拉美社會階級對立問題相關影片:《魔沼》、《女孩玉瑪》、
(註3) 拉美移工及偷渡問題相關影片:《移工哀歌》、《留下的人》、
(註4) 拉美犯罪問題相關影片:《守夜人》、《千禧午夜》、
(註5) 拉美社會心理相關影片:《魔沼》、《廣島廣島》
(註6) 拉美積極民族性相關影片:《拉丁拳王》、《女孩玉瑪》、
(註7) 拉美宗教議題相關影片:《聖徒與我》、《瑪黛奴莎》、
(註8) 拉美兩性關係議題相關影片:《美簽》、《千禧午夜》、
(註9) 拉美多元民族相關影片:

TAIWAN LATINO FILM FESTIVAL 2011 TO THE OTHER SIDE Screening 26 International award winning films from 17 Latin American countries offers the opportunity to show a captivating, rich and diverse culture from a region that have produced great talents in literature, music and art, including Nobel Prize Laureates Mario Vargas Llosa, Octavio Paz, Pablo Neruda, Miguel Angel Asturias and Gabriel Garcia Marquez who popularizes the term “magic realism”. The region have also produced universal “icons” in visual arts and music with artists like Frida Kahlo and rhythms like mambo, tango, salsa, bossa nova, danzon, etc.

Film culture in this particular region is very old and internationally connected. August Lumiere presented his films in Mexico and Argentina a year after their presentation in Paris in 1895 thus induced the medium to the region. The medium has become extremely popular ever since in the region and thus attract the devotion of numerous Latin talents. Today the region has produced an abundant of world class filmmakers that have been producing international acclaimed films with rich social content, vividly presenting the social, cultural, political and economic problems facing regular people from different backgrounds.

Some of the selected films show the past political struggles of the region until 1990 which regularly produced brutal dictatorships, guerrilla movements and civil wars. Now all countries in the region have democratically elected governments, getting rid of murderous dictators. The region has regained overall peace with the exception of Colombia which is still facing the problem of the guerrilla movements.

In other selected films, the filmmakers portray the problems of poverty and unequal distribution of income in relatively wealthy countries, producing a wide gap between the under-privileged and the arrogant rich and upper middle class that treats the poorer with great distance and in cases with contempt and disrespect. Several of the chosen films show the conflicts faced by many middle-class families that lost their wealth and their standard of living. Other movies present stories from ambitious courageous people that work hard to gain respect, status and money.

Undocumented immigration to the USA and to neighboring wealthier countries is a topic poetically exposed in both documentaries and fiction films displaying the harsh realities faced by those who have to leave their families to find jobs as well as the suffering experience of those who remain, especially children without their parents. Drug consumption and trafficking have produced addicts as well as powerful and very violent organizations led by drug lords in most countries of the region which inspires many filmmakers to show this terrible problem from the most unexpected angles.

Magic realism in the region is embedded in the enigmatic religious culture where Catholic convictions blend with pre-Hispanic myths giving filmmakers materials to develop what might seem surrealistic tales when in fact are true stories. In most of the selected films we are able to appreciate the melancholic and, at the same time, festive, passionate and loving character of most people in Latin America, the qualities that pose even those who have to deal with poverty, violence and in some cases abuse and crime.

The stories unfolded in the movies reflect a particular culture and a particular moment. Although cultural background and national context is important but in our closely-connected global world, universal values and problems, part of the human condition, can be recognized in films from Latin America just like from Asia or Europe. However, there is always the sensibility and talents of the creators that make their films unique and independent no matter where they are created.

It is a great opportunity for the audience in Taiwan to get access to these films that have their own regional flavor, national values and existing realities, and also the touch of the individual artist and directors that make them possible.

These 26 films show the unique beauty of a region that is endowed with the most varied scenery and also particularly beautiful human and geographical landscapes.

Curated by Christine Tsui-Hua Huang & Jorge Pinto Old & New | East & West Cultural Co., Ltd. For Taiwan Film and Culture Association