開幕片 Opeing Film》
A Brighter Summer Day

楊德昌 Edward YANG
台灣 1991年 彩色 237分鐘/Taiwan 1991 Color 237min
◎台北4/24(六)17:00 ◎新竹6/06(日)14:00
Edward Yang's four-hour epic from Taiwan is one of the major marks of world cinema of its time - Zhao Si'r is a teenager in early-1960s Taipei, forced to attend night school. His alienation extends beyond this perversion of schedule to include a general dissatisfaction with contemporary Taiwanese culture (or lack thereof), and his membership in a youth gang, the Little Park gang. Si'r and his friends spend their time listening to American rock 'n' roll and planning future showdowns with their rivals, the 217 gang. Within this framework, Yang presents a large-scale vision of Taiwanese life in the early 1960s, with Si'r and his family and friends coming to represent all the tensions and complexities of the time. The adolescent gang culture provides a simplicity, an easy-to-understand demarcation in a world of gray areas.