給安琪拉 For Angela

導演 Nancy Trites Botkin,Daniel Prouty

1993 / 25min/ English with Chinese subtitle 英語發音中文字幕/ Betacam/ Color 彩色



 本片是一則關於種族歧視與種族增權的精彩故事,改編自蘿妲和她的女兒安琪拉所遭遇的真實故事。一天,蘿妲帶著女兒安琪拉搭上公車,卻沒想到她們的生活從此改變。在公車上,蘿妲和安琪拉遭受三名白人中學生騷擾,嘲笑她們的原住民身分。突然間,蘿妲的心中燃起一股勇氣,決定採取一種獨特且有效的方法,改善白人對原住民的偏見和歧視。本片極適合作為種族歧視及其影響的討論題目。(片長 25 分 ,末尾有一段特別演出。)

 Dramatic story of racism and empowerment, inspired by the experience of Rhonda Gordon and her daughter, Angela. A bus ride changed their lives in a way no one could have foreseen. When three boys harass Rhonda and Angela, Rhonda finds the courage and determination to take a unique and powerful stand against ignorance and prejudice. A great discussion starter on racism and its impact. (The video is 24 min. 40 sec. and contains a special presentation at the end.)

  Daniel Prouty為加拿大原住民後裔,現居於安大略省西北部,為家中七子之次子,自雷灣市邦聯學院電影課程畢業後,自1990年起參與電影製作,為向世界展現不同於刻板印象的原住民面貌,他以探索北美原住民正面力量為職志。
  Nancy Trites Botkin來自加拿大溫尼伯,為電影導演及製作人。
  Daniel Prouty is a filmmaker of First Nation descent who lives in north-western Ontario. The second of seven children, Daniel has been involved with film production since 1990 when he graduated from the film program at Confederation College in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Driven by a need to show the world a different side of the stereotyped "Indian," Daniel's career goal is to explore the positive strengths of North America's First nation people.
  Nancy Trites Botkin is a Winnepeg film director and producer.


Rainbow Award
 Great Plains Film Festival

Gold Apple Award - Category: Classroom Social Studies
 National Educational Media Network Competition

Canada Award
 Gemini Awards

Best Live Short Subject Award
 Annual American Indian Film Festival

Honorable Mention - Category: Arts and Culture
 International Film and Video Festival

Special Recognition for Screening
 Annual Dreamspeakers / International Aboriginal Cultural,  Artistic and Film Festival

