白色追憶錄 Retrospect to the Days of White Terror

導演 比恕依‧西浪,高志昌

2006 / 16min/ Chinese 中文發音/ Betacam/ Color 彩色





 All the discussion over the White Terror, be it in the books or in the images, takes largely the Hans as subjective while neglecting the mistreatment imposed on the Taiwanese aboriginal peoples during eh period of martial law. In an ear of reticence, the aboriginals also followed suit in the fear of making even the slightest mistake which would lead to liquidation or even the detriment of the whole family.
  The film intends to manifest through images the stories of the aboriginals oppressed by the White Terror, in relation to the situation of their families, wives and children. The terror experienced by the Taiwanese aboriginals is described through the stories of Lin Ruei-Chang, Lin Chao-Ming and Kao I-Sheng.
