坎那沙塔奇抗爭史 Kanehsatake 270 Years of Resistance

導演 Alanis Obomsawin

1993, 119min 15s/ English with Chinese subtitle 英語發音中文字幕/ Betacam/ Color 彩色



 一九九○年的燠熱七月天,加拿大魁北克省的原住民保留區坎那沙塔奇與奧卡村,爆發了原住民摩霍克人與白人之間的土地爭奪戰,不僅引起國際媒體的注目,也使得加拿大白人居民意識到原住民的權益問題。本片導演 Alanis Obomsawin 在摩霍克人與魁北克警方跟加拿大軍隊的衝突對峙現場,日夜拍攝了七十八天,忠實記錄下了當時的狀況,帶引觀眾走入加拿大原住民與歐洲白人糾葛了兩百七十年的血淚辛酸史,讓外人得以較為深入的了解摩霍克人的悲哀,並目睹摩霍克人誓死捍衛家園的堅韌毅力。

 On a hot July day in 1990, an historic confrontation propelled Native issues in Kanehsatake and the village of Oka, Québec, into the international spotlight and into the Canadian conscience. Director Alanis Obomsawin endured 78 nerve-wracking days and nights filming the armed stand-off between the Mohawks, the Québec police and the Canadian army. A powerful feature-documentary emerges that takes you right into the action of an age-old aboriginal struggle. The result is a portrait of the people behind the barricades, providing insight into the Mohawks' unyelding determination to protect their land.


 Alanis Obomsawin (Abenaki)為加拿大最負盛名之紀錄片導演之一,從小生長於歐達納克保護區與魁北克省三河城,習得原住民族之阿布納基語,長期支持原住民電影拍攝,於1983年獲加拿大勳章,並於2001年獲視覺暨媒體藝術總督獎,她曾從事歌唱、寫作與撰述,於1967年首度拍攝影片《Christmas at Moose Factory》,執導逾廿部紀錄片,題材多圍繞在影響加拿大原住民之議題,先後獲得卡爾頓大學、康克迪亞大學與約克大學榮譽博士學位。

 Alanis Obomsawin (Abenaki) is one of Canada's most distinguished documentary filmmakers and an eloquent advocate for aboriginal filmmaking. She was made a member of the Order of Canada in 1983 and received a Governor General's Award in Visual and Media Arts in 2001. Obomsawin began her career as a singer, writer, and storyteller before she began making her own films in 1967 with Christmas at Moose Factory. She has directed more than 20 documentaries on issues affecting aboriginal people of Canada, Obomsawin has received honorary doctorates from Carleton University, Concordia University, and York University. She grew up speaking Abenaki on the Odanak Reserve and in Trois Rivières in Quebec.

Best Long Documentary Award
 MEDIAWAVE / International Festival of Visual Arts

Special Jury Award in Division Film and Video -
 Category: 5 - Current Affairs

 Golden Gate Awards Competition & International Film Festival

Special Award

 Aotearoa Film Festival

American Indian Motion Picture Awards -
  Best Documentary Feature Film

 Annual American Indian Film Festival

Special Award - Documentary Jury

 International Film Festival

IDA Award - Distinguished Documentary Achievement

 IDA Annual Awards Competition

"We are Sovereign" Award

 Two Rivers Native Film and Video Festival

Silver Sesterce - Special Jury Award given to a  cinematographic work

 Visions du Réel / Festival international du cinéma documentaire

NFB Feature Documentary Award -
  with a cash prize of 500$
  (Tied with In the Land of the Deaf)

 International Film Festival

Award of Excellence for Best Editing

 Atlantic Film Festival

CITY TV Award for Best Canadian Feature Film

 International Film Festival


 該事件亦被稱為奧卡危機 Crisis at Oka。由於私人高爾夫球場興建所引發的土地戰爭,引發了警方與摩霍克人長達3個月的對抗。儘管有一名警察喪生,卻也讓全加拿大,甚至於國際間,都對摩霍克人爭取原住民獨立認同的訴求有所重視。也為加拿大的原住民運動開啟了新頁。
