阿富汗年代紀 Afghan Chronicles

導演 Dominic Morissette

2007, 52min 33s/ French with English and Chinese subtitle 法語發音英中文字幕/ Betacam/ Color 彩色




 塔利班政權垮台之後,阿富汗國內便開始進行社會重建與民主重建,言論自由也露出了一線曙光,其中新成立的 Killid Media 新聞社,堪稱是影響甚鉅的媒體現象。Killid Media 旗下擁有一家廣播電台,並發行兩本雜誌,其中一本雜誌的目標讀者是女性。Killid Media 致力於消弭無知與文盲,提倡不受傳統限制的新觀念,替現代化打下基礎。本片陳述了阿富汗社會在轉變中所遭遇的矛盾掙扎,以及阿富汗人重建家園的辛苦過程。阿富汗仍有一段很長遠的重建路途要走,儘管這段路艱辛坎坷,當地人民仍對未來懷抱夢想。

 Since the fall of the Taliban, Afghanistan has been rebuilding itself and reviving democracy, and there is some freedom of expression. With its radio station and two magazines, one of them aimed at women, the press agency Killid Media is a real media phenomenon. This new press, dedicated to fighting ignorance and illiteracy, is promoting a message freed from the constraints of tradition and setting the foundations of modernity. As it follows the distribution of these popular magazines across Kabul, Afghan Chronicles shows the struggles within this changing society and paints a touching picture of a land that is a work in progress, dreaming of a better future. Yet achievements are still fragile. What will become of the dream of renewal cherished by this nation trying to rebuild itself

 Dominic Morissette出身攝影,於九零年代初投身電影拍攝,受民族學家對世界文化的崇敬所啟發,遍訪各地拍攝紀錄片,2003年與Catherine Pappas共同執導作品《Les derniers chasseurs du petit havre》,紀錄新斯科細亞地區漁民生活,入獲加拿大魁北克電影獎最佳紀錄片。之後他前往阿富汗多時,於當地開設攝影工作坊,並參與2004年阿富汗總統選舉宣傳活動;後轉赴巴基斯坦印度河三角洲關注環保議題;2005年前往葉門授課。

 Dominic Morissette trained as a photographer and fell in love with filmmaking in the early 1990s. This inveterate cinematographer travels the globe to make documentaries inspired by an ethnologist’s respect for the world’s cultures. In 2003 his film Les derniers chasseurs du petit havre about the fishermen of Nova Scotia, co-directed with Catherine Pappas, won a Jutra nomination for best documentary. He then spent long periods in Afghanistan giving video and photography workshops in addition to co-ordinating the communications campaign for candidates in the presidential election of 2004. His travels and his interest in environmental issues then took him to Pakistan, to the Indus delta. In 2005 he was in Yemen, organizing more workshops.

