雙面莉瑪 Reema, There and Back

導演 Paul Émile d'Entremont

2006, 51min 57s/ French with English and Chinese subtitle 法語發音英中文字幕/ Betacam/ Color 彩色



 莉瑪是一名正值花樣年華、纖細活潑的十六歲少女,從小在加拿大長大,她在成長過程中,唯一的親人是加拿大裔的白人母親。莉瑪的父親是伊拉克人,十六年來不曾見過女兒,如今亟欲和女兒見上一面,同享天倫。於是莉瑪踏上旅途,前往約旦,和父親生活了兩個月。本片導演 Paul Émile d'Entremont 以莉瑪的角度,看視青少年經常遭遇的矛盾與衝突。莉瑪結束探父之旅,回到加拿大新斯科細亞省之後,體悟到她這一輩子都將擁有雙重的身分認同。這既是包袱,也是寶藏。本片細膩呈現了一般青少年與一般成人所時常面對的身分認同問題。

 With a Canadian mother, who until recently was the only family she knew, and an Iraqi father who wants to get to know his daughter after a 16-year absence, young Reema is confronted with difficult questions about her identity. During Reema's two-month visit with her father in Jordan, director Paul Émile d'Entremont adopts the point of view of this sensitive and lively young girl who exhibits all the contradictions typical of someone her age.
 When Reema returns home to Nova Scotia after a visit with her father, she realizes that she will always have a double identity, and that it is both a burden and a treasure. Reema, There and Back gives us an up-close look at the constant struggle inherent to both adolescents and people in general - whether they are from Iraq or Canada. In French and English with subtitles.

 Paul Émile d'Entremont先於蒙克頓大學修讀心理學,後於哈利法克斯之達浩斯大學取得哲學碩士學位,曾獲蒙克頓大學獎學金(1984-1988)與達浩斯大學saac Walton Killam獎學金(1990),任職加拿大國家廣播電台期間製作公共議題訪談、撰寫新聞與報導地方省份選舉;1995年成為電視製作人,亦為國家廣播電台新聞頻道L'Atlantique en direct節目製作多項報導及特別節目。Paul Émile d'Entremont亦參與演出,包括在Christopher Durang作品《Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All To You》擔任主角,以及演出王爾德作品《不可兒戲》中Miss Prism一角。

 Paul Émile d'Entremont studied psychology in Moncton before earning a Master's degree in philosophy at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. He won a scholarship from the Université de Moncton (1984-1988) and Dalhousie University's Isaac Walton Killam scholarship (1990). As a journalist for Radio-Canada, he did public affairs interviews, wrote news reports and covered the provincial elections. In 1995, he became a television producer. For RDI, Radio-Canada's all-news channel, he produced a number of public affairs reports and special programs for L'Atlantique en direct. Paul Émile d'Entremont is also an actor. His roles include the lead in Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All To You by Christopher Durang, and Miss Prism in Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Ernest. .


Golden Sheaf Award - Category: Best Multiculturalism
 Golden Sheaf Awards /Short Film and Video Festival
